SaaS Consultant, Speaker, Teacher
I am Rainer Kern, Software Architect, SaaS Consultant and Speaker from Vienna with 15 Years of
professional experience in the Java ecosystem - since 2017 mainly focussed on Kotlin.
I help SAAS product companies and development teams to ship better software, faster with fewer bugs.
Unless my competitors I also like to get my hands dirty in the actual development process, performing
quality assurance (code reviews) and mentoring other developers.
Apart from my work as a software architecture consultant and engineer in my role as CEO of Systemkern, I
am is also engaged as a lector at the SAE University in Vienna and Co-Organiser of the Vienna Kotlin
Meetup, Author of a number of software engineering classes and several software engineering related
talks as well as contributor to two Kotlin libraries on Github.

Slides & Talks

Introduction to Algorithms
Introduction to Data Structures
Introduction to Kotlin
Kotlin Coroutines Basics
Kotlin Coroutines Intermediary
Kotlin Vienna

The Vienna Kotlin Meetup takes place on the last Tuesday of every odd month (Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sept, Nov)
Find the Schedule at kotlin.wien